Affiliate Profile
ACO Technologies plc
Affiliate Contact Name: Angus Crichton
ACO House and Garden offers garden designers surface water management solutions for different locations around the home. ACO’s suite of plastic and polymer concrete channel drain systems enable garden designers to specify the most appropriate linear drainage solution based on:
• Differing depth of channels to accommodate the area to be drained with a free online flow calculator to facilitate this.
• The type of traffic moving over the channel, from prams to HGVs
• The aesthetic surface finish: from utility to high end gratings and minimalist slot channels.
• A full range of accessories for each channel drain system to contain, corner, clean and direct water through ACO channel drains to onward drainage
ACO’s ground stabilisation systems can be specified by garden designers to facilitate ease of access for prams through to people carriers over gravel or turfed surfaces and allow rainwater to permeate directly into the soil, reducing runoff.
ACO supports ‘Water as a Resource’ in the SGD Manifesto for Sustainable Gardens and welcomes conversations with members to develop new approaches and products in support of this. See for more information.
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