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Affiliate Profile

Moneta UK Ltd - T/As The Terracotta Pot Company and T/As The Water Feature Company

Affiliate Contact Name: George Brian Drury

The Water Feature Company was the original trading name of Moneta UK Ltd, which designed, fabricated, installed and maintained water features for private individuals, corporate clients and local authorities - which it still does today. Working with various materials, such as stone, stainless steel and acrylic for both internal and external use within hotels, restaurants and private client’s homes. We are currently working alongside contractors for Hull City Council working on the renovation of Queens Gardens in the city centre regenerating their existing water features.

The Terracotta Pot Company grew from the need to source terracotta pots to transform into water features. These water features proved very popular and buyers of them requested different styles of pots to plant and compliment them in their gardens. So we began importing our range of frost proof pots from our potters in Crete, the same family we have dealt with for the past 2 decades.

We stock an extensive range of terracotta pots from traditional styles to more contemporary, with sizes ranging up to 1.6m tall. Our pots have been used in Gold Medal winning gardens at various RHS flower shows.

The year 2025 marks our 21st birthday year of being in business.

Units 2-3 Station Mills
Station Road
East Yorkshire
HU16 4LL
United Kingdom

Landline Phone
01482 849149
Mobile Phone
07825 788056
